Common Questions About Our Vein Treatment Procedures

We have been helping the community with vein conditions such as spider veins, leg ulcers, and varicose veins for quite some time. Throughout that time, we have answered countless questions. To see the answers to the ones we get asked the most, take a look below.

Don’t I Need My Superficial Veins?  

Venous reflux (faulty veins) in the greater saphenous or other superficial veins actually interfere with the normal venous return of blood. Closing or removing these areas improves venous circulation as the blood is diverted to normal veins with functioning valves. The resulting improvement in circulation significantly relieves symptoms and improves appearance.

What Causes Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins affect an estimated 40% of women and 23% of men.
The factors contributing to the varicose veins include:
  • Heredity: most common
  • Gender: women are more likely to be affected due to hormonal changes
  • Pregnancy: hormonal changes and increased blood volume
  • Age: loss of elasticity of vein walls as we age
Are There Other Contributing Factors? 
These factors do not cause but speed up the development:
  • Prolonged Standing/Sitting: cause an increase in lower limb pressure
  • Obesity: increase abdominal pressure
  • Hormonal Level: birth control pills or hormone replacement causes the same effects as pregnancy 
  • Physical Trauma: injury to lower limbs can damage underlying veins
What Are the Costs of These Procedures? 
  • EVLT: $1500.00 private/self-pay or high deductible insurance
  • Micro Ambulatory Phlebectomy: $550.00
  • Sclerotherapy: $180.00 for 30 minutes
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