Conservative Treatments

What Are Conservative Treatments

Conservative treatments include simple lifestyle changes and non-invasive treatments that can help reduce your symptoms or delay the development of new spider veins, varicose veins, or ulcers.

Introducing exercise into your daily routine allow for better circulation, which can curb some of the effects of your vein issues. Walking more, elevating your feet while you are sitting, maintaining bowel regularity through fiber, and avoiding excess weight are all recommended treatments. You should also refrain from crossing your legs while sitting, and circulation is disrupted. 
Leg Ulcer Treatment Brownwood, TX
Even clothing and footwear choices have an effect on your veins. Constrictive clothing or high-heeled shoes should be avoided. Compression hose or stockings can offer relief from minor pains and increase leg circulation. These can be purchased at more drug stores. 

Are Conservative Treatments Right for Me

Conservative treatments can help those that have minor pains and other symptoms from these issues or have veins that are in the earlier stages. However, these treatments cannot cure the underlying issue. If you have serious symptoms or large varicose veins, other treatments may be necessary. 

It is best to speak with Dr. Kapu to go over what is best for you, so get in touch with us today for more information. 
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